Vivitrol for Alcoholism

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Vivitrol For Alcoholism Alcoholism

Vivitrol is the anti-craving medication naltrexone in a intramuscular injection. It offers stable blood levels of naltrexone over thirty days and should be given once a month for one year. The medication cuts craving and decreases the pleasure cascade that alcohol causes if the person drinks. The person can still drink but they are prevented from getting the euphoria that demands more drinking. Many alcoholics have not been able to stay sober even after multiple treatments and this drug offers new hope in the struggle with alcoholism. Check out the website and National Library for Medicine for for more information.

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amazon_imageamazon_assoc_imageChemical Dependency Counseling: A Practical Guide, Fourth Edition This best selling book is used by most treatment centers to treat addiction. It will tell you everything you need to know about treating addictive disorders. Plus it includes all of the tests and exercises for clients that will satisfy accrediting bodies.


Treating Alcoholism: Helping Your Clients Find the Road to Recovery:Everything you need to know to help someone with an alcohol or drug problem.

amazon_imageamazon_assoc_imageThe Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Client Workbook, Second Edition:All of the exercises a client needs to develop a stable recovery program. Used in most treatment settings as the treatment workbook.

amazon_imageamazon_assoc_imageThe Gambling Addiction Client Workbook, Second Edition: All of the exercises a person needs to develop a stable gambling recovery program. Used by many gambling programs as their treatment workbook.

The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous says that only God can relieve the illness of addiction. Here are a few spiritual tools to help you:

God Talks to You: Second Editionamazon_assoc_imageGod Talks To You: Second Edition:Teaches you how to hear God's voice and details the spiritual path forward. Includes spiritual tests, prophets, prayer, meditation, contemplation and how to find a spiritual friend.

amazon_imageamazon_assoc_imagePeace Will Come CD Sit back and let the words and music sink into your soul. Come back often and play the songs over and over again. You won't be sorry. God will teach you many things you need to know.

amazon_imageamazon_assoc_imageA Communication From God: A meditation tape that will give you long communications from God. The tape takes you through two exercises where God speaks to you directly.

Addiction stops your spiritual progress.

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